As far as I know Banded Demoiselles do not occur on Gower. This one, photographed on 12th August 2012 in the Clyne Valley, may represent the nearest location to the AONB. Beautiful Demoiselles are also know in the Clyne Valley and at a few location inside the AONB. It would be nice to plot their local distribution!
Derek, distribution maps below showing records held on MapMate database for Glamorgan (vc41) [BS]
Banded Demoiselle (Calopteryx splendens) |
Beautiful Demoiselle (Calopteryx virgo) |
I've seen a number of these along the River Clyne in Clyne Woods.
P.S. - Can you remove word verification, as it's very diifficult to read!?
Cheers Jeremy - good to know. Any chance you can send me a few records (with dates, grid ref, numbers)?
I'll look into the word verification, which is a nuisance.
I have seen Beautiful demoiselles on some of the northern most runnels on Cefn Bryn. I'll dig out the grid refs and send on as they don't appear on Barry's dot map. I have not noticed bandeds anywhere on Gower
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