08 October 2013

Jack having trouble with the Cryptic

 It's always nice to see a Jack Snipe. I particularly enjoy visiting the marshy area just beyond the sea wall at Cwm Ivy, during the winter, where there's always a chance of brief flight views of a Jack Snipe amongst the Snipe. My previous views of them have more often than not been of birds flying away and so I was delighted to come across this rather bold individual, today, at the salt marsh in Neath.
In reality the bird wasn't that bold and behaved in a rather typical Jack Snipe fashion by keeping completely still while I approached. I imagine that to a predator flying overhead this bird would be fairly difficult to see, but it still needs a little bit of work on perfecting side profile concealment!


Paul Parsons said...

Nice one Mark!

Barry Stewart said...

I've never seen one sat up like that before - that really is very odd behaviour and a great capture.

Mark Hipkin said...

Thanks lads.