The Isabelline Wheatear was quite a crowd puller by Gower standards. Being constantly on show, often performing at close range in the brilliant sunshine, it ensured there was a constant turnover of birders with the most I saw at any one time being about 35. How long before we get another bird of this quality?
The pre-dawn brigade. Mark informed me he was on his own at 0650hrs when the bird first showed on the mound. |
Some mid-morningers enjoying fabulous views in perfect conditions. The bird was generally more active on the surrounding saltmarsh at this stage using the pony poo for perching! |
Correction! I was the first car there but only just. The first sighting team this morning were Rob Taylor, Barry Weston, Martin Bell, Andrew Lucas and myself. It was very dark but you could see the Isabelline Wheatear running around on the mound from the Marsh Road. Hopefully not too long till the next mega I'm getting quite used to this!!
Sorry Mark my fault - anyone have an idea how many people saw the bird yesterday? Mid- morning I saw no more than 35 at any one time, but people were constantly coming and going.
RT, MB and MH may have wondered why Andrew and I spent so little time watching the Wheatear at first light - well we are hell bent on turning up a juicy rarity of our own at Mewslade. No such luck this Autumn. We did return to the twitch at about 1100 and discussed the salient I.D. points so hopefully we can be forgiven.
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