Veteran Junipers on cliffs at Yellow Top
147 species of Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies) were recorded during a combined afternoon session at Foxhole Slade/Yellow Top (GHJ & BS) and evening session at Overton Mere (GA, GHJ, CMM, RJR, VS & BS).
Unfortunately we failed to see any Chestnut-coloured Carpets at the Foxhole / Yellow Top Junipers, though we did see 2 Chalk Carpet & 4 larvae of very rare plume moth Agdistis meridionalis. Interestingly these were found feeding on both Common Sea-lavender as-well-as the usual foodplant Rock Sea-lavender, something that I have not seen before.
The moth traps at Overton produced the bulk of the species list, highlights including
Mecyna asinalis 15,
Dolicharthria punctalis 20,
Trachycera marmorea 5,
Pempeliella dilutella 15, Lackey 60, Mullein Wave 6, Small Blood-vein 3, Silky Wave 9, July Belle 20, Wood Carpet 1, Galium Carpet 1, Lilac Beauty 1, Brussels Lace 2, Annulet 3, Privet Hawk-moth 8, Lime Hawk-moth 2, Muslin Footman 3, Short-cloaked Moth 3, Crescent Dart 45, Brown-line Bright Eye 1, L-album Wainscot 4 & Devonshire Wainscot 1.
Dolicharthria punctalis (Long-legged China-mark)
Other wildlife seen included 6 female Glow-worms at Overton together with a huge female Toad on the lower coast path.
Thanks to all who turned up for an excellent couple of sessions.